「第4回データサイエンス公開セミナー(4rd Datascience Open Seminar)」開催のお知らせ
データサイエンス・DXに関する最新の話題に触れられる機会を作るためにデータサイエンス公開セミナー (DSセミナー) を開催します。
第4回 "Society 5.0: Challenges, Implementations, and Implications"
開催方法:数理・データサイエンス館(CeMDS) 2F、YouTube Live(ハイブリッド形式で開催)
講師:Dr. Rafik HADFI (Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)
Society 5.0 is Japan's vision of a human-centric society that makes lives more meaningful and enjoyable. This initiative is pivotal for resolving numerous challenges: aging populations, economic stagnation, climate change, and global pandemics. While there are several conceptualizations on how to put Society 5.0 into place, there are fewer accounts on how to implement it and where it might lead. I will start by covering the current challenges in healthcare, mobility, infrastructure, finance, and media. Then, I will provide ways to implement Society 5.0 by integrating AI-powered platforms, focusing on multiagent systems, distributed ledgers, and the Metaverse. Finally, I will address the ethical and anthropological implications of such transformative technologies.
[公式Webページ] https://www.cc.mie-u.ac.jp/cc/kosyu/ds_seminar.html