10月8日(木) 12時15分から、CIER会議室で後期開講式を開催しました。
On 8th of October we had an opening ceremony of late period of CIER.
This time 17 students took part in this ceremony.
Prof. Yoshimatsu 、Assistant to the President for International Affairs had a greetings.
He said that I hope all of you try to study hard. And you try to make a friend and exchange each culture with friends.
Prof. Hukuoka told that you will enjoy your campus life and study hard.
みんな一生懸命福岡先生の説明を、聞いています。 Everyone listened to Prof.Hukuoka carefully.
指導教員の先生方も参加されて、記念撮影は、とてもにぎやかでした。 It was so fun taking a ceremonial photograph.
We had a great time there.