「新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大防止のための行動指針」改定のお知らせ/Announcement of revised "Code of Conduct for preventing infection from COVID-19".
Dear all international students,
We received the announcement of revised "Code of Conduct for preventing infection from COVID-19" from Crisis Management committee of Mie University.
Please check the Code of Conduct effected on June 7th at the website below.
Mie University Code of Conduct(English)
Current priority notes(English)
Main revised points are as follows
The students, who are from the place where the state of emergency was declared,
can attend the hybrid lectures. (No need to take any additional procedures)
The students can attend the face-to-face lectures without 14-day stay inside
after the visit of the place where the state of emergency was declared.
In case of hosting an event or a convention (including the face-to-face entrance exam)
by personnel of Mie University or other organizations, it requires a permission from Crisis Management Committee.
※ 所属する学部等が教育・研究の必要性から定める感染防止対策がある場合にはそれに従って下さい。
If there are rules set by the Faculty based on the nature of the study, the students must follow those rules.
※ 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大地域への不要不急の訪問は引き続き自粛して下さい
Continue to refrain from unnecessarily visit the place where the COVID-19 infection spread.
(If you need to visit with necessity reason, for instance, recruiting or business, it will not count as such.)
※ 自身を守るために着座システム(QRコード)を利用してください。
Use QR code to protect from others.
※ ANPICおよびUnipa等で全学生・教職員にお送りした重点指針の確認がお済みでないかたは、確認をお願します。
If you did not check the emphasized guideline sent to all students and faculty members by ANPIC and Unipa, please read them.
※ 課外活動については、学生活動センターにご相談下さい。
Regarding the extracurricular activities, please contact to Student activities center.