セカンドホームプログラム募集開始のお知らせ/Application started for "Second home program"
「ホームスティ・イン・津」 は、津市を中心に国際交流活動をしているボランティア団体で、1989年に設立されました。メンバー数は約130名で、「世界の料理教室」など楽しいイベントの開催や、留学生の皆さんを メンバー(ホスト・ファミリー)のお宅に招く活動をしています。
「セカンド・ホーム」 は「ホームスティ・イン津」が主催しているプログラムで、ホスト・ファミリーの家が留学生にとって「もうひとつの家」になるようにとの願いがこめられています。「セカンド・ホーム」を希望する留学生は、下記URLよりお申し込みください。
申込先: https://forms.office.com/r/nsHuHfnVwc
締 切:2023年5月31日(水)正午12時
<参考>ホームスティ・イン津 実行委員会
☆Application started for "Second home program"☆
CIER arranges for newly-arrived international students at Mie University to meet their "host families" in cooperation with a volunteer group Homestay in Tsu, established in 1989. The group consists of approximately 130 citizen members, organizing various activities, such as cooking parties and host family programs.
"Second Home" is a program in which the members of the volunteer group invite international students to their home and enjoy getting together on various occasions. The program was named as "Second Home" in the hope that international students would feel at home during their stay with their host families.
<Eligibility for the program>
You are eligible to apply for the "Second Home" program if you are a newly-arrived international student at Mie University (i.e., started your study program from this April) and your study period is more than one year.
<How to apply>
Please apply from the URL below if you are interested.
Application : https://forms.office.com/r/nsHuHfnVwc
Deadline: May 31, 2023 (Wed) at 12:00pm.
Note: We have received more applications that expected, so we will select the participants by lottery.(The balance of countries of origin will also be taken into account) We will inform all applicants of the result after the deadline.