JICA Chubu Nagoya Chikyu Hiroba visit
We have organized the visit to experience one of JICA properties, "JICA Chubu Nagoya Chikyu Hiroba (Central JICA Nagoya Global Center)" on Tuesday, February 18, with 4 teachers and 12 students from the university. "JICA Chubu Nagoya Chikyu Hiroba" is an establishment founded in 2009 by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), to offer the people to have experience the challenges which developing countries have, through different activities. Studies at Experience zone, the presentation of former JICA volunteer member who worked in Syria and China, the participants now could have more understanding about the challenges of developing countries, such as deprivation, quarrel and environment. "Now the support for the local people is necessary, which can be help for the self-sustainability," "I could feel something about the quarrel in Syria," and "I was very impressed by the presentation of former JICA volunteer 'still live the people there,' I really want to do something" are the comments by the participants.
"Population and School Enrollment ratio" in the world
Experience water clarification system using bicycle
Knowing the importance of the literacy giving an example "medicine package with foreign language"
Video letter sent by Palestinian refugee in Syria, one of friend of former JICA volunteer member